
Relative pronouns - activity

Comparatives and superlatives

Passive voice exercises:

Reported speech

Wh questions


The next activities will let you enhance your skills and comprehension of English language.
1. Listen to the first part of the video and complete the dialogue with modal auxiliary verbs you listened.
Betty: Mark, ________I borrow your MP3 Player?
Mark: You have to ask more politely
Betty: Mark, _______I borrow your MP3 Player?
Mark: You have to ask more politely
Betty:  Mark, _______I borrow your MP3 Player?
Mark: No, you ________not. I’m going jogging and I need it.
Betty: I hate him!
2. Listen to the video
and complete the dialogue using MODAL AUXILIARY VERBS you listened.
Betty: Hi Mark, What are you doing?
Mark: Hi Betty, I’m going to plant some flowers. It’s hot. ________you give me my hat?
Betty: Here you are
Mark: Thanks. I’m thirsty. __________you give some water of this bottle in the table?
Betty:  Here you are
Mark: Thanks. Betty, I _________open the bottle. ________you open it?
Betty: Yes, I _________
Mark: Thanks. __________you hold this for me?  I ___________work today. I’m too hot and tired. _________you plant these flowers for me?
Betty: No, I __________
Mark: Hey Betty. Where are you going? Betty, what’s the matter? What did I do?
3.Listen to the song and complete the lyric
Everybody’s laughing in my mind
Rumors spreading bout this other guy
Do you do what you did with me does he love
you the way i ________
Did you forget all the plans that you made with me
Cause baby i didn’t!

That __________ be me
holdin your hand
that __________ be me
makin you laugh
That ____________be me
this is so sad
that ___________be me

That ______________be me
feelin your kiss
that __________ be me
buyin you gifts
This is so wrong
i ___________go on
Do you believe that __________ be me
That ____________ be me yeah

You said you needed a little time
from my mistakes
Its funny how you used that time
to have me replaced
Did you think that i wouldn’t see you
out at the movies
watcha doin to me
Your takin him where we used to go
now if your tryin to break my heart
Its working cause you know
1. Read RICK AND THE BOX OF DREAMS  and complete the story
2. Read the next dialogue and develop the multiple choice exercise
Man: How’s your job going? Is the new boss OK?
Woman: No, she is really strict. There are lots of new rules in the office.
Man: What do you mean?
Woman: For example, we __________mustn’t check up personal e-mails at work
Man: oh right, anything else?
Woman: yes, we ____________stand up when she comes into the room
Man: Really? That’s a bit of strange
Woman: I know. When I was at school, we __________stand up for our teachers. It feels that again.
Man: Yes, I _______imagine. It sounds terrible
Woman: It is. Listen I _________go, the boss is coming and I don’t want to see me on the phone
Man: O.K. I’ll call you when you have some time
1. Read the dialogue and write why Mark should not go for an adventure holiday?
Mark: Now, I must put all my things in my bag pack. And I mustn’t forget my boots.
Betty: hey Mark, What are you doing?
Mark: I’m getting ready for an adventure holiday
Betty: oh, mountain adventure. I was there last summer.
Mark: Really? What’s like there?
Betty: Fantastic. We had to get up at four o’clock in the morning every day, then we had to take a cold shower, uh its freezing. Then we had to run up and run down the mountain for three hours and then…
Mark: Will I have to do those things too?
Betty: oh yes, you have to learn how to read a map because you may get lost in the mountains and then get eaten by wild bears
Mark: That’s it. I’m not going. It’s an awful holiday.
Betty: Oh, come on Mark, I’m with Amy, Jake and Kate we’ll have a great time. Now let me help you with your packing
2. Choose one situation.
Read your situation and then answer the following questions
  1. What might the relationship be between the person and his / her parents? How must he / she feel?
  2. What can’t have happened?
  3. Where might he / she live?
  4. Why might he / she have this problem?
  5. What should he / she do? (Give at least 5 suggestions)

Writing modal verbs

Choose ONE of these problems and write an email giving advice.
written activity1 modal verbs
2. Go online and find advice in English about one of these topics
topics writing modals
Then write about it, follow the next example.
writing model modals
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Modal verbs Exercises

Develop the next exercises and practice what you know about modal verbs
modal exercise11
modal exercise2
Categories: modal verbs | Tags:  | Leave a comment

Modal verbs in Context

Read these dialogues I found out some modal verbs.
modal verb dialogue1
Write down the examples you find on both of them
modal verb dialogue2

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