Extra-activities for advanced students

ESL Code: PeariasaIE -  Personal link  -  Project B1- level A - Recordings

Remember you are going to present your job during the chatrooms activity

Today we will practice speaking and listening in our plenary session, 

Grammar explanation - comparatives

Work in teams on your projects

Continue our activities in the plenary session

Today we are going to do our speaking session, 

grammar explanation and listening activity.

Activity 06

Speaking activity about Colombian strike

Discussion Questions

1. Why is the right to protest important to democracy? Whose views does it favor? 
2. There have not been a lot of cases brought to the court on the issue of the right to protest and conflict with public order. This allows you to voice your opinion on where the balance between public order and the right to protest should be. What do you think?
3. Supporting the right to protest can be challenging when the protest is about something you strongly disagree with. Think of something you strongly disagree with (for example capital punishment) and make an argument that supports the right to protest about that issue.
4. Choose one of the following protests: 
G-20 (2010)
Occupy movement (2011)
Climate Strikes (2018- ongoing)
Wet'suwet'en protests (2019-20) 
Colombian Protest (2021- ongoing)
5. Research the event and identify any civil liberties restrictions during the protest (police or government action). What are your thoughts on the reasonableness of those limits?

Retrieved from: https://ccla.org/cclanewsite/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Student-Worksheet-Right-to-Protest.pdf

Activity 05


Discussion Questions

1. Have you ever played a prank on someone?

2. When is a prank a good prank?

3. Talk about a prank you have been part of.

4. Should all races be represented in-store advertising?

5. Would you dare to do something similar in a McDonald's place near the place you live?

Write your anecdote and share it here

Activity 04

Watch the movie and start your conversation using vocabulary in the review.

Session 03

Write here a summary of this video.

Music genres

Let’s talk about music, melody, and rhythm.

Music is a series of musical notes that agree with each other and "sound nice".
If the notes are random, without musical structure, and do not make sense, we call this noise.
Melody is often called the tune. We make a tune using the notes of a scale.
This is a note—middle C.
These are the notes we can use—A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.
In European music, a scale has eight notes.
This is the scale of C.
We start with C and end with C.
We start with bottom C and end with top C.
If we play notes from a scale together, at the same time, we call this a chord.
We can play the same chord on the guitar.
The rhythm is the speed at which we play the melody, and the time we take in between each note. 
We often call this the beat.
Listen to the beat of this bass drum.
Now hear how it changes when I change the rhythm.
When we add words to the music it becomes a song. The words are called the lyrics.

Questions to discuss

1. How often do you listen to music?

2. When do you normally listen to music?
3. Are you able to concentrate on other activities when you are listening to music?
4. What kind of music is your favorite?
5. Do you like classical music?
6. Do you like country music?
7. Do you like jazz?
8. Do you listen to all kinds of music?
9. Is there any kind of music that you hate?
10. Can you play any musical instrument? If not, which instrument would you like to play?
11. Which musical instruments do people from your country usually play?
12. Is there any traditional musical instrument in your country?
13. Do you like singing?
14. Are you a good singer?
15. Are you singing while taking a shower/a bath?
16. Do you like live music?
17. Have you ever been to a concert? If so, what kind of concert was it?
18. Who is your favorite singer?
19. What is your favorite music band?
20. If you could start a band, what type of music would you play?
21. How does music influence your mood?
22. What kind of music does make you feel relaxed?
23. What is your favorite song?
24. What is more important for you, the lyrics or the melody of a song?
25. What makes a song popular, the lyrics or the melody?
26. Do you like songs in your own language?
27. Do you like English songs?
28. Do you learn vocabulary from foreign songs?
29. Do you have a stereo system?
30. Which electronic devices do you use to listen to music?
31. Do you listen to MP3 files on your computer?
32. What do you think about downloading  MP3 files from the Internet?
33. Do you find downloading MP3 files from the Internet a theft?
34. Do you listen to the radio?
35. Can you imagine life without music?

 Session 2

Discuss your project.

Practice conversation using these questions:


Scroll down and start the activity when you find:  Speaking Mock Test 1 - 12

 Session 1

1. Read about  Biodiversity 

2.  Do you know what a debate is? Learn about it.

3.  Debate about biodiversity

2. Prepare a presentation about biodiversity.

3.  Record your voice in your presentation.


By Anup Shah

The variety of life on Earth, its biological diversity is commonly referred to as biodiversity. The number of species of plants, animals, and microorganisms, the enormous diversity of genes in these species, the different ecosystems on the planet, such as deserts, rainforests, and coral reefs are all part of a biologically diverse Earth. Appropriate conservation and sustainable development strategies attempt to recognize this as being integral to any approach. Almost all cultures have in some way or form recognized the importance that nature and its biological diversity have had upon them and the need to maintain it. Yet, power, greed, and politics have affected the precarious balance.

1.  Loss of Biodiversity and Extinctions.
2.  Nature and Animal Conservation.
3.  Climate Change Affects Biodiversity.
4.  Coral Reefs

Useful vocabulary
Catalyst: something that precipitates a process or an event.
Community: an integrated group of species inhabiting a given area that influences one another's distribution, abundance, and evolution
Culture: (to culture) to cultivate the growth of microorganisms
Decompose: to separate or break apart into component parts
Ecosystem: the living members of a particular habitat interacting together along with the non-living physical environment such as soil, rocks, water, heat, and light
Evolve: to change physically or behaviorally through successive generations until a new species develops
Fossils: remnants or traces of organisms from a past geologic age
Metabolism: chemical reactions that occur within cells and organisms
Niche: the functional position of an organism in its environment
Organism: a living body made up of separate parts which work together to carry on the various processes of life
Photosynthesis: production of organic compounds from carbon dioxide and water by using light energy captured by chlorophyll and other pigments
Protozoans: free-living, single-celled microorganisms that are not plants or animals

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