Pay it forward

After watching the movie answer these questions (Choose 4... but if you want you can answer all of them)

1. What's the conflict in this movie?
2. What is the risk of “Paying it Forward”?
3. Do you think such a project could work in real life? Why or why not?
4. Would you have trusted a random stranger giving you a Jaguar? Why or why not?
5. What are some examples you have seen around you where people began to see beyond their own problems into other people’s lives and figured out a way to help them?
6. “Think of an idea to change your world and put it into action.”  Is this an ‘overly utopian idea’?  Why or why not?
7. Is it possible for one person to change the world? Why or why not?
8. Name a time you gave up because it was too hard to change.  Would you do it differently now?  Why or why not?
9. Remember your reaction to the end of the story.  How did you feel?  Are you upset at the way it ended?  Explain.
10.  Is there any relationship between the movie and your project? Why and why not?
11.  Write a summary of the story.

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