Sunday, June 7, 2020

New Stories

Write an interesting story based on a certain topic.  
Some examples are:
The most embarrassing moment.
The scariest thing you’ve ever done.
Your dream for the future.
Future predictions, etc. 


  1. The farm´s horse - Juan Diego Higuita Hidalgo

    This story is about the scariest thing i have ever done. This story begins in the conversations with my family. When we eat the dinner in the farm is a tradition talk about the therrorific experiences and this kind of meetings with the paranormal. In one particular dinner, we talked about one horse, that according to my uncle arrive to the farm in the night. He sayed that the horse rake his legs with the floor and you can listen his breath and the rein. Also, he sayed that the place where the horse rake his legs there is a burial. In that moment that was a normal story but a few minutes later, when the light of the candles turned off and i had to sleep, it wasn´t.

    Being in my bed, with a overwhelming darkness, i listened a strange noise. It came from the gate, that is the pincipal entry for the farm. At the begining, i didn´t pay attention and i sayed: " That is a cow that want to get in". After that noise, i was a little scared and thaht feeling increaed when i listened one horse. I couldn´t believe, the horse of the conversation was there, raking this legs with the floor and with a heavy breath. Also, i could hear the rein and how this was moved by the horse rider. At that moment i was really scared and i imagined this horse like a "Nazgul" of the "Lord od the ring" and this picture didn´t help for calm down.In that moment like if i was the most believer, I started to pray. For my surpirse this action didn´t have a good effect, the horse started to rake his legs stronger than before and my heart wanted to get out. I didn´t know what to do, so i decided keep silence and wait that the horse leave the place. This was there aproxomatly four minutes, that i percieved like one hour, and when the horse has gone finally i could sleep.

    At the morning, i teld to my family what it was happened and if someone else had listened the horse. The answer was a resounding no. For one moment i feeled like "Frodo" and i just can think in one thing: "The Nazgul come for you". I don´t know if i had the ring or whatever but with certainty that horse wanted to tell me something....

  2. Johnny Mateo Mutiz

    one of the most embarrassing moments I have had, was once during the 11th grade excursion, we were on a beach in the country of ecuador, if memory serves me well it was "blanket", my friends were getting on a boat to give I took a walk and I ran towards them, regardless, I lost my balance and I fell slowly on the sea as I ran, until I "stuck" in the water.

  3. Kevin Grajales

    I have a story about when I was a child, I liked going out to play soccer with my friends on the street and in most of the fields in the neighborhood, we had a great time.
    One day we got lost going to another neighborhood, we had a very bad time that day until we saw an acquaintance who helped us get out of there to our houses.
    Now this story makes me very funny because we were not so far from home.

  4. Since I was a child, I have lived in different places and each place has brought new friends and new stories.
    I remember that in 2003, I lived in Jardin Antioquia. At school I started talking to a boy and we became very good friends, we spent a lot of time together and we had many things in common. One day, I remember that we were sitting outside my house and my uncle decided to join us. After a short talk with my uncle, we realized that our families knew each other and that we happened to be cousins, but we didn't know it.
    After a short time living there. I went to live in Andes Antioquia, where I was part of the soccer team of the municipality. Thanks to this, I was able to get to know many places in each new tournament we participated. We came to form a great team and we became champions in many of these tournaments. I remember that the team decided to give me the nickname "Pibe", not because of my footballing qualities, but because I had curly, blonde hair like Pibe Valderrama. To this day every time I visit the town, I am known more by my nickname than by my name.
    Nowadays, I still have many of the friends I met back then and we still often meet to play soccer. After every game, we sit and chat and enjoy making fun of ourselves as we remember stories we had together.

  5. Jesus David Castillo
    The most uncomfortable situation I've ever had, and it's something that really happened to me, it was very serious but I'm not ashamed. This happened in 2014, when my boss and seven of my colleagues were fired for embezzlement and this had left the IT department in a bad situation. But not everything is bad, because due to this, I was able to enter the university.
    Today I am almost on the verge of entering the eighth semester and I see that my future shines a little.

  6. Jessica Becerra Ramirez

    My story is about the scariest thing that I’ve ever done and is about the first time that I played Rugby. That day I played only a few minutes because I was new and it is a little dangeours. I rememeber that I got in the field and a partner lanched the ball to me so I ran so fast. I advanced a few metters and finally I recevied a big tackle. Before to fall, I passed the ball to another partner and she did a try (point).

    Before the game I was so scared but at the end of the day I was so proud and happy.

  7. The most embarrassing day of my life.

    I remember in my teens being in tenth grade, I was concerned with studies but especially with social relationships. At that time I met a very attractive girl and after several weeks I decided to talk to her. We became friends and began to have a very good relationship, then we evaluated the possibility of being boyfriends and that same day, she decided to introduce me to the family.

    The surprise was that at the beginning I did not like her mother very much, I knew the brother and he was too jealous with her, because of this, he was upset that I was with his sister. The worst thing of all was that this day I was so nervous that I stepped on a dog poop without realizing it and entered the house of my possible girlfriend with dirty shoes. It was really embarrassing. I left after two hours sweating and wanting the earth to swallow me.

  8. Hi, I am Christian Ortega Urrego

    My story title: Friend of the thief.

    I remember left school,I was in the eleventh grade and that day we left early, my best friend and I went for a walk on the sides of the Atanasio Girardot Stadium, we play, talk, etc. It was already time to go home, when we were highway a man approached us, he was well dressed and I thought he would ask us for alms, he was kind.

    said: "said: "hello how are you, pass me the cell phone and I will not hurt you", I was calm


  9. My mother's family is from San Carlos Ant, in the second week of August the water festivals are celebrated and every year my family and I go to town. Last year, as usual, we went to festival, but I had to go one day after them, since it was Friday and I had an exam, two friends also wanted to go, so we agreed to leave on Saturday morning and bought our tickets, the next day we went to the north terminal and we were guided by what it said on the ticket of the bus number and the time it left since the departure time was at 6:00 am, we boarded the bus 15 minutes before; the bus left and after 45 minutes of travel the assistant asked us for tickets to verify our information at that time he told us that we had to get off because that was not our bus (this was going to another town) we got off in the middle of nowhere, It was raining and we did not know what to do, so we waited for another bus to pass hoping that it would be the correct one, instantly another bus passed we told it to stop and we got on, the driver checked our ticket and it was the correct bus, there had never been so relieved.

  10. Hello, my name is David Hurtado and this is my prediction about the future of engineering.

    Engineering is a profession that changes and has changed a lot throughout its history. Virtuality and digital are more present in our lives and this puts more technical challenges that engineers have to face, data management is essential and for a human being it is impossible to try to process it, that's why more and more artificial intelligence are developed (AI) and super computers to help us process data to overcome the challenges of an increasingly virtual and digital world. In the coming years we will see how the heavy lifting will be carried out by AI and the engineers will capture data and train these automatisms, engineering will not disappear, it will only be transformed for the needs of the world.



  11. Paula Andrea Giraldo Ramírez.

    Story Title: Lost and Drenched.

    When I was still at school I lived in El Carmen de Viboral. El Carmen de Viboral is a town in eastern Antioquia. One afternoon my friends and I decided to go cycling and it occurred to us to go to Rionegro, Rionegro is another town in eastern Antioquia. Once we arrived at Rionegro, we walked around the town and entered Exito, there the afternoon passed and without realizing it it was night. Seeing that it was late, we decided to quickly return to our house in El Carmen. To get there faster, we decided to take another path that we didn't know about but it was shorter, however taking this unknown path was not such a good idea. My friends and I got lost, we arrived at the town of La Ceja and to complete, it started to rain. We asked the townspeople how to get to El Carmen and we took our way very drenched. Due to the heavy rain we had to stop halfway and ask the owner of a store to give us a minute of cell phone to call our parents and ask them to come for us. Fortunately we were able to communicate with our family and they came for us in a car. Our parents found us totally drenched. It was a horrible experience at the time but today I remember it as a pretty funny moment

  12. Hi, I am Miguel Mestra.
    Not even I know what are my dreams for the future, but if I know is that I want to help my parents, grand parents and if I have time my great grandparents too, I want to buy a house for my parents, however I dont know where i'll get the money but I'll do it.

  13. Giuliana Slith Celis Rueda
    I want to speak about something that happened to me in a travel some time ago. At the momento it was somenthing very sacry but then it turned out in a funny memory.
    I was on the way to Salto del Buey that is a huge waterfall of approximately 90 meters high, located between La Ceja and Abejorral towns. My exboyfriend, who was my partner and me, were travelling in his motorcycle, but we didn’t know the road very well. The idea was to go to Sonsòn, but we deviate to know this waterfall that they told us about.
    We arrived at the place, by the part of above the waterfall from where you couldn’t see much. We got down of the motorcycle and it ocurred to me the bright idea to descend the mountain by a path that peeked out. It was a very steep mountain with many rocks, shrubberys and undergrowth. In the middle of my emotion I thought it would be eassy and possibly it was, but for my lack of caution after I throw myself down the road I did not realice I tripped over a nest wasps, only until the momento its buzzing began to get loud. My partner had not descended yet but after seeing this he decided to satay up cowardly. After a few seconds my face was full of wasps, they walked over my eyes while I had them half closed. I started running down, I was panicking not only because they could stung me but also to roll downhill.
    At the end in the middle of screams my partner told me to come back up, so he could help me up. I removed my clothes quickly to scare away the wasps until there were none. Fortunately none stung me and everything became just a big scare.

  14. Hi, I am Juan Pablo Cifuentes

    my story:
    When I was a child, I lived in Bello Antioquia. I was a very restless child because I lived in a large unit. Every day I used to play soccer, but sometimes I played in the trees. Once, I was climbing a tree when I fell to the ground. That day I couldn't breathe well and I was scared, my friends looked on with concern. Then I went home, took pain medication. The next day it was fine. A week later I was climbing more trees and looking for fruits.

  15. Luis Eduardo

    THE TERROR OF MY FIRST TIME ... I like to sing, I don't do it professionally, however,
    Throughout my life, practice and experience have strengthened this talent that life has given me; I am not the most tenacious nor the best, nor am I the worst, simply before any value judgment, the important thing is to be able to enjoy what you like and that you are passionate about. Throughout my life I have stepped on different stages and I have faced all kinds of audiences, both adults and children and regardless of who it is, I have respected and valued because after all it is the public to whom the artist owes.
    Good! After all this cart, I want to tell you that the first time I sang in front of the public, I made the worst bear of my life, how to forget it! I was about 16 years old and I was in 11th grade when I decided to participate in the Song Festival; many knew my talent and were waiting for my participation. It was time to go on stage, my heart was beating a thousand times an hour and it was the first time that I faced so many audiences, all the present students, teachers, friends and guests and a demanding jury were looking at each participant. When I was called on stage, my heart wanted to leave, so much so that it seemed that I blocked my ears and I was not able to listen to the track of the song and I started singing out of time, the track was on one side and I was on the Another, the track came to an end and I kept singing, at that moment the laughter of the people became my new backing track, it was horrible!

  16. Paula Andrea Giraldo Ramírez.

    Story Title: Lost and Drenched.

    When I was still at school I lived in El Carmen de Viboral. El Carmen de Viboral is a town in eastern Antioquia. One afternoon my friends and I decided to go cycling and it occurred to us to go to Rionegro, Rionegro is another town in eastern Antioquia. Once we arrived at Rionegro, we walked around the town and entered Exito, there the afternoon passed and without realizing it it was night. Seeing that it was late, we decided to quickly return to our house in El Carmen. To get there faster, we decided to take another path that we didn't know about but it was shorter, however taking this unknown path was not such a good idea. My friends and I got lost, we arrived at the town of La Ceja and to complete, it started to rain. We asked the townspeople how to get to El Carmen and we took our way very drenched. Due to the heavy rain we had to stop halfway and ask the owner of a store to give us a minute of cell phone to call our parents and ask them to come for us. Fortunately we were able to communicate with our family and they came for us in a car. Our parents found us totally drenched. It was a horrible experience at the time but today I remember it as a pretty funny moment.

  17. Diana Carolina Florez
    Hi, I am Diana.. I want to tell you a story about of one experience that I had the year old. I did go to the waterfall angel jump with one friend and others companions of university, This place is ubicaed in rural zone of Envigado, We take a bus to part of the way and later We had to walk for five hours in the mountain, We crossed a river many times and we got wet because the water reached knee level, there was no road, but we had to walk among the vegetation, we climbed rocks, we fell and we got dirty. We went to two waterfalls, the first one was very cold, the water had a lot of pressure, so much so that we only went into the water for 2 minutes. And then we continued walking down the mountain, getting steeper, until we reached the waterfall Angel jump, it was very high, it had a lot of strength, and the water was much colder. When we returned to Medellin it was very late, and there were no buses going up there. We walked back another 4 hours. It was a very beautiful experience that I want to repeat, because you breathe fresh air, and nature is wonderful despite the tiredness

  18. Hello this is my story.
    Eliana Rodríguez Arias
    My mom's family is from San Carlos Ant, in the second week of August the water festivals are celebrated and every year my family and I go to town. Last year, as usual, we went to the festival, but I had to go one day after them, since it was Friday and I had an exam, two friends also wanted to go, so we agreed to leave on Saturday morning and we bought our tickets, the next day we went to the north terminal and we were guided by what it said on the ticket of the bus number and the time he left as the departure time was at 6:00 am, we boarded the bus 15 minutes before; the bus left and after 45 minutes of travel the assistant asked us for tickets to verify our information at that time he told us that we had to get off because that was not our bus (this was going to another town) we got off in the middle of nowhere, It was raining and we did not know what to do, so we waited for another bus to pass in the hope that it would be the correct one, instantly another bus passed, we told it to stop and we got on, the driver checked our ticket and it was the correct bus, I never been so relieved

  19. Hello partners, this is my anecdote
    Giuliana Slith Celis Rueda
    I want to speak about something that happened to me in a travel some time ago. At the moment it was something very scary but then it turned out in a funny memory.
    I was on the way to Salto del Buey that is a huge waterfall of approximately 90 meters high, located between La Ceja and Abejorral towns. My exboyfriend, who was my partner and me, were travelling in his motorcycle, but we didn’t know the road very well. The idea was to go to Sonsòn, but we deviate to know this waterfall that they told us about.
    We arrived at the place, by the part of above the waterfall from where you couldn’t see much. We got down of the motorcycle and it ocurred to me the bright idea to descend the mountain by a path that peeked out. It was a very steep mountain with many rocks, shrubberys and undergrowth. In the middle of my emotion I thought it would be eassy and possibly it was, but for my lack of caution after I throw myself down the road I did not realice I tripped over a nest wasps, only until the momento its buzzing began to get loud. My partner had not descended yet but after seeing this he decided to satay up cowardly. After a few seconds my face was full of wasps, they walked over my eyes while I had them half closed. I started running down, I was panicking not only because they could stung me but also to roll downhill.
    At the end in the middle of screams my partner told me to come back up, so he could help me up. I removed my clothes quickly to scare away the wasps until there were none. Fortunately none stung me and everything became just a big scare.

  20. Fredy Armando Soto Saez9:38

    When I was a child, I was very fearful, I was afraid of the dark, that's why at night everything scared .In those days, when I heard noises at night, I covered myself with a sheet. One night, I heard noises coming from the street (my room is on the second floor, I can see the street through the window), I looked out the window and saw a shadow that was in front of the house, I was too young for knowing what it was, I was just scared, so I covered myself with the the sheet like I used to do. The next day I found that the noises were from a thief who tried to break into the house. I had listened, but did not notify anyone in my family.
    I feel very guilty. What if something happened to my family? since that night it does not matter if I am afraid, I prefer to get up and go check the house. I love my family and I don't want anything to happen them.


  21. 299/5000
    Your dream for the future.
    My future dreams, first I want to finish my university career and finish with a good average, I want to be able to work in a good company, I hope to do a specialization and finally I hope to visit many places in the world.


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